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Our Background


Our Services


Muamalah Financial Consulting Sdn Bhd (Muamalah), incorporated in September 2000, is made up of a team of highly experienced ex-Islamic Bankers, legal practioners and Islamic Scholars, a company set-up specifically to provide hands-on Islamic Finance advisory and consultancy services to local Financial Institutions and Corporates.


Muamalah is licensed by the Securities Commission (SC) of Malaysia as an approved:


1. Syariah Adviser for Sukuk Issuance; and


2. Syariah Adviser for Islamic Unit Trust Funds.


Since inception, Muamalah has successfully advise numerous large sukuk issuance and has built a reputation as the leading advisory and cosultancy in its field. Amongst its clients list are Petroleum Malaysia Berhad (Petronas), Bursa Malaysia, Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Wolsey Securities UK and Bank AlBilad, Saudi Arabia.


Due to demand of its services also by foreign Institutions, MFC is expanding its services overseas focusing in the regions of South East Asia, United Kingdom, Middle East and Africa.


Muamalah shall focus in transforming economies, inter alia, financial services, set-up Islamic banks, energy (oil & gas), commodities, agriculture, bio-technology, infrastructure, real estate and health care sectors.


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Muamalah overall services are mainly related to  providing Syariah advisory and consultancy for:


  1. Sukuk Issuances and Islamic Unit Trusts;

  2. Arrangement for for Sukuk Issuances;

  3. Provision of Training courses on Islamic Banking, Islamic Capital Market; Islamic Stockbroking & Investments and Takaful;

  4. Provision of consultancy services in setting up of Islamic Banks (including Islamic banking window operations in a conventional bank), Investment Bank's Islamic Capital Market Department and Takaful operations (including set-up);

  5. Product design and provision of consultancy services in other areas of Islamic Financing, Islamic Banking, Islamic Instruments, Islamic Investments & Takaful;

  6. Advisory for Islamic system's specification and Request For Proposal (RFP) requirements for Islamic banking system for tender purposes, undertake independent user acceptance test (including preparation of test plans) and evaluate Islamic banking system's syariah compliant status;

  7. Preparation of end-to-end standard operating procedures (SOP), policies, including Syariah Framework, Islamic Risk Management and Islamic Accounting;

  8. Arrangement of Islamic Financing on behalf of Corporation that requires Ringgit and non-Ringgit funding for their existing projects and contracts;

  9. Provide full suite Islamic Finance system, data warehouse, internet and mobile banking application working together with system software development companies;

  10. Provide simulation Islamic banking system (working with partner) with online remote entry capability for training purposes. This may be applicable to universities offering Islamic banking courses and banks that do have training modules in a separate servers.

Muamalah also assists clients that require Ringgit and non-Ringgit funding and advisory (to secure financing and/or investors, where applicable) for their existing project/s or contracts.

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+603-7842 5187 / +6012-212 5405



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Muamalah's Directors/Resident Consultants on personal basis have had working & consultancy experiences in local and International Islamic Banks (Middle East, UK) thus, are familiar with the various local practises in relation to Syariah practises and local laws. With years of experiences in banking (including Islamic finance and Islamic system & software), Muamalah advisory and consultancy services can be easily tailored towards local and requirements.


To strengthen the consulting team and expand its advisory reach, Muamalah shall continue to recruit new partners (both local and international) with diverse practical experiences.

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News & Publications

Islamic banking refers to a system of banking that complies with Islamic law also known as Shariah law. The underlying principles that govern Islamic banking are mutual risk and profit sharing between parties, the assurance of fairness for all and that transactions are based on an underlying business activity or asset. Read about an Overview of Islamic Banking in Malaysia.

What is an Islamic Bond or Sukuk? Explaining BBA Notes, Islamic Commercial Papers, Islamic Medium Term Notes, Principal features of Mudarabah and Musyarakah Sukuk. Are current issuances of Musyarakah Sukuk based on Musyarakah? Unraveling the differences between South East Asian and Middle Eastern interpretations. Is BBA not acceptable or the bipartite nature of BBA which is at issue?Is it true that Middle Eastern Islamic Finance is based on equity instead of debt? Why do Sukuk structurers in all jurisdictions issue Musyarakah Sukuk with debt features? Sovereign Sukuk- structures and termsheets. Sukuk from the point of view of the Issuer. What kind of projects are eligible? Basic criteria for potential issuers. Rating process. Issuance procedures. Costs of Issuances.

The Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC) initiative was launched in 2006 to develop Malaysia as an international marketplace for Islamic finance. Since its inception more than 30 years ago, Islamic finance in Malaysia has progressed and developed into a sophisticated Islamic finance marketplace that is characterised by a robust regulatory and supervisory framework, a deep primary market and active secondary sukuk market, a diverse talent base with global capabilities and connectivity, and product breadth and depth. The Malaysian marketplace also provides an efficient system for multi-currency clearing and settlement.


Labuan International Business and Financial Centre (Labuan IBFC) presents a comprehensive midshore solution striking the ideal balance between client confidentiality and compliance with international best standards and practices. Its business-friendly environment, anchored by a simple and attractive tax system, is well-supported by a robust, modern and internationally-recognised legal framework enforced by its regulator, Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA).

Labuan, Malaysia, was designated as an international financial centre in 1990. As part of its development, an international financial exchange, Labuan International Financial Exchange (LFX), was launched on 23 November 2000. Labuan International Financial Exchange Inc., a company limited by shares, was incorporated under the Labuan Companies Act 1990 (LCA) with an authorised and paid-up capital of USD$10 million and USD$5.5 million respectively

© Copyright 2013  Muamalah Financial Consulting Sdn Bhd (494989-H)

Tel (Off) : +603-7842 5187

Mobile : +6012-2125 405

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